The Linguistic Symptom of Death On Igbo Language

Humans are the only species on the planet whose communication system exhibits enormous diversity. As human beings die so do languages die. Language death is when a language is abandoned by its speakers or when a natural disasters wiped off its speakers so that its speakers are no longer living. Generally, the vanishing rate of most languages of the world is alarming. Of the 6000 living languages in the world, only 600 are classified as “safe,” while others are facing various levels of threat. According to research, 90% of world languages will be severely endangered by 2100. According to a report from the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO 2003) it predicts that 50% will be lost before the end of the twenty-first century. In Africa, most indigenous languages are faced with the threat of being subsumed by larger linguistic groups which have left the indigenous languages docile. Several Academic research have predicted that one-third of Afr...