Have You Ever Said This In Public Before?


Never say 'I am understanding you' it is wrong.

Welcome to another educative article. Today's article focuses on a simple correct. No one is above errors and mistakes as far as learning is concerned but we should all aim to improve.

The word 'understand' is a verb that can only be used in one form in tense situation. Before I explain more, verb are categorized into two in terms of function; dynamic and stative verbs.

Dynamic verbs explain actions while stative verbs explain conditions. All stative verbs can't be used in continuous tense (with 'ing') They can only be used in past tense and present tense.

The verb 'understand' is a stative verb that can't take 'ing' to demonstrate a continuous tense. I have heard people saying:

* I am understanding you.

*I am understanding.

* I am understanding what you are saying.

These sentences are not correct and we should avoid them because the verb understand can not be used in continuous tense as given above.

We should say:

1. I understand you.

2. I am comprehending what you are saying.

Before 'understand' can be used, someone must have asked a question which requires answer. As in:

Speaker A: do you understand me (correct)?

Speaker B: yes I understand you.

Speaker B can also reply thus:


Of course yes.

It is more clearer, or

Yes, I got it now.

We should not say 'Are you understanding me?' And we should not say 'yes i am understanding you'.

Thanks for reading!

Alex is an author and content creator 


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