Ibibio is 11th most spoken language in the world. Check where Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo and other Nigerian languages are ranked
The popularity of a language depends greatly on utility and geographic location. Additionally, how we measure the spread of world languages can vary greatly depending on whether you look at total speakers or native speakers.
Determining what are the most spoken languages in the world is a more difficult task than you might imagine. We can say with some confidence that Mandarin, English, Spanish and Arabic will make an appearance (and roughly in what order), but there are some surprises, too! Would you have guessed that Bengali is in the top 10 most spoken languages?
It came as a surprise to me when I got to know that Spanish or German isn't ranked second. French doesn't even near the position. Surprisingly, Mandarin Chinese is ranked second with 1,120million speakers.
Below is the list of top ten the most spoken languages in the world.
let us bring it down to Nigeria where we have over three hundred languages. Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa are the most spoken languages in Nigeria but where are they ranked in the world?
I will circle the Nigerian languages listed according to Ethnologue. Let us see where Nigerian languages are ranked.
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