Not Every Journey Is About Finding Love, Sometimes It’s About Finding Yourself

Love doesn't exist if you don't love yourself

Love is a strong affection for something. It goes beyond "something", but transcends to human being. Love is a deep feeling we have for someone. Love is beauty and everyone deserves to be loved and cared for.

In life, everyone is busy searching for love. Looking at nature, we can't live alone and we can't do without people. In fact, we need people to love us. Life is fascinating if only we have the right people in our lives. Who are the right people? The people who share our pains, worries, visions and love us the way we are. They never condemn us but push us for success in life. Truly, we need these set of people. This is why we go on searching for someone who we will love us and who we can live with forever.

People keep searching for love, but did they find it? It is a wast of time if you are searching for love where it doesn't exist. You need to ask yourself what life is all about. The purpose of life is not to keep finding love here and there. If you are looking for it you won't find it, because you are desperate for it. Desperate people fall in love with the wrong people and they suffer for it forever. In fact, the consequences of that wrong choice are further inherited by children. This is why our society is in malady. The scourge of broken homes on our society is biting hard on individuals.

Life is beyond finding love. In fact, don't find love, find yourself. I will explain this in detail. You must understand one thing in life that if you eventually find someone who loves you truly, you will never appreciate the person because you have failed to settle the war in you. Life purpose is hard to know, but the simple logic to know it is to first find yourself. Finding yourself means learning to love yourself; not finding love where it doesn't exist. Some people are at war with themselves and this is why they never see good things in love relationship. They don't enjoy it because they failed to love themselves.

Finding yourself is harder than finding love. If you can successfully find yourself, love will find you. Do you know why love will find you? It is simply because you have found love in yourself which gives life to everything around you. So, anyone who comes your way is attracted to you.

There is nothing you can achieve in life if you don't love yourself. Stop doubting who you are. Stop being a criticism to yourself and never wait for people to love you before you can know who you are. Find yourself. Love yourself. Pay attention to yourself and appreciate everything about yourself. You are a special person to yourself but do you know this? If you don't know this you can never be loved. Find yourself to know the great depth in you. Live with enthusiasm and let love sort itself. Keep finding the best of you until you become the person who people want to love. 

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  1. Wow.! This really touches heart great job sir... More ink to your pen

  2. Amazing,this is fascinating great job👍🏽

  3. Very detailed article. Good job

    1. Babatunde kehinde A

      digested and really inspired, Open many things to me.

      Kudos to you sir.

  4. Hmmmm.... 'finding yourself is harder than finding love'..... Whao

  5. Ogunkolade Adekunle PeterMay 31, 2021 at 8:50 AM

    Best piece of the day, more ink to your Golden Pen bro

  6. Like seriously i'm not really surprise to have such awesome piece coming from CrystalPen because ever since have been finding every write-ups from him touching, inspiring and excellently.

    Greater height our darling CrystalPen

  7. when u love urself u will find peace within urself and everything around u will bloom like a flower,Thanks for this inspiring write-up.I pray that u continue to grow in wisdom👍

  8. I give you 100% present on this. This is gospel truth but lots will find it offensive. More ink to your pen sir.

  9. Seriously, your words are hidden truth

  10. Crystalpen that I know from my childhood moment still remain who he his till this present moment.. Kudos dearest friend... More grace to your knowledge bro


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