The Different Between "Advise" And "Advice"


The Difference Between Advise And "Advice"

This article is written to guide readers on words which have the same pronunciation but different spellings. There are many words in English that sound similar, but have  different meaning and spelling. These types of words are called homophones.

Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings. Homophones are difficult to identify by students. Some English students also find it difficult to use these set of words correctly. Examples of homophones are: their and there, birth and bed, been and bin, bury and berry, bye and buy, cheep and cheap.

"Advice" and "advise" are homophones. These two words are misunderstood and misused by students. To start with, "Advice" is a noun. Advice means an opinion on certain issue given to someone.

On the other hand, "advise" is a verb.

One thing we must know is that there is a slight difference in the pronunciation of the two words. Kindly check your pronouncing dictionary for accurate pronunciation.

Examples of the two words are:

1. She advised me not to sell the house.

2. She gave me an advice on the issue.

3. My advice for you is to abstain from social vices.

In some cases, some words are not homophones. Words like "defence" and defense", "offence" and "offence" are not homophones. These words means the same thing. The difference is that one is American English, while the other one is British English.

Offence and defence are British English, while Offense and defense are American English. British prefers "ce" to "se".

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